Contact for Collaboration

Researchers who are interested in using LIFEWORK data for research purposes can apply for access to part of the data, which will always be fully anonymous. Any use of LIFEWORK data will be considered a subproject of the cohort. For each subproject, a research proposal has to be written, which will be discussed among the LIFEWORK Scientific Board.

For each approved subproject, a Data Transfer Agreement form will be signed. All results based on data originating from the LIFEWORK cohort need to be made public, preferably in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Researchers interested in collaboration are invited to propose occupational and environmental research based on the data available within LIFEWORK or to submit a request for additional data collection.

Requests can be submitted to Prof. dr. ir. Roel Vermeulen and will be reviewed by the LIFEWORK Scientific Board.

Prof. dr. ir. R.C.H. Vermeulen
Yalelaan 2, Room 3.53
Phone: +31 30 253 9448